

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019: Nowhere To Go But Up

"Life's a balloon that tumbles or rises depending on what is inside. Fill it with hope and playful surprises, and oh, deary ducks, then you're in for a ride..." 
--'Nowhere To Go But Up'. Music and Lyrics by Scott Wittman and Marc Shaiman

For the last three years Hollywood has gifted me beautiful movies that fill me up with inspiration, beauty, and wonder. First, there was the re-imagined Beauty and the Beast, and although I've now seen it five or six times, I still get teary-eyed at the ending. (I've become one of those grown-ups.) Next came, The Greatest Showman which took many of us by storm and filled us up with glitter and dreams and music. Now this year, a kindred friend from childhood has come back--I feel almost like Jane Banks myself when she blurts out: "I thought we'd never see you again!". Yes, of course, I'm speaking of Mary Poppins Returns.

In full disclosure, I was against this film when I first heard of it. There were a lot of grumbles and bah humbugs all the way until Thanksgiving this year. We stumbled upon an ABC special about Mary Poppins Returns and when I heard Dick Van Dyke's ringing endorsement (and learned of his amazing cameo) I finally decided to open my heart up to another installment of Mary Poppins. I'm so glad I did.

(I feel that this is a good spot to warn you that there will most surely be several posts over the next couple of weeks inspired by this movie, and probably the original, and then we'll go tripping and traipsing all over the stories and songs that have taught me the way to see beauty and wonder in a world often too busy, too cold, and too dark to notice. That was actually the vision I'd been dreaming up for this blog anyway. A cozy house blend of inspiration, insight, and imagination all fueled by stories. I've always been a sucker for a good story.)

I promise, no spoilers....although, I should hope that you'd trust Mary Poppins to deliver the Banks family a happy ending. After all, she is Mary Poppins and practically perfect in every way. Spit spot and all that. But I wanted to share some thoughts I had after soaking in the last song in the film.

"The past is the past. It lives on as history and that's an important thing. The future comes fast. Each second a mystery. For nobody knows what tomorrow may bring."

I think most of us would agree that 2018 was a hard year. Many of my friends are walking steep paths marked with loss, grief, and uncertainty. I myself felt heavy pressure and stress in the various roles I play in life--wife, mother, friend, homeschooler, church volunteer, and of course, writer. Rarely it seemed to me that I was measuring up to those mystical standards I felt both externally and internally. With feelings of failure, doubt, and frustration I almost crawled to the finish-line of the holiday season. But in that bleak mid-winter, I started to read books again and listen to podcasts about beauty and hope. As my brain started to drink up this goodness, I could feel the bud of hope peeking up from the soil in my heart. I started to remember what it was like to believe in my dreams, and not just drag them along in a heavy sack. I started to really look forward to the new year. It felt like the turning of a page was coming; that I could mark an end to some of the hardships of 2018, and pick up fresh ink to write on the pages of 2019 with renewed energy. 

It's a matter of coincidence that I saw Mary Poppins Returns on January 1, 2019. Although, maybe, since I do whole-heartedly and stubbornly believe that God is a man of details, perhaps it was providence. Isn't it rather perfect to begin a new year with a good strong dose of imagination and adventure? Isn't it grand to be drawn into a world of possibility and reminded what childlike eyes can see? And, isn't it wonderful to be assured that when life has been grinding and our loads have gotten so heavy we can hardly think straight or see the path ahead of us that there's "nowhere to go but up"? 

Each day is new. When the sun rises, even on the gray dreary days we've been plagued with here in Ohio, it shines on untouched hours. Busyness and commitments do limit some of the possibilities in each day, but there are so many moments unaccounted for in which we can breathe in deep and notice the world around us. There are opportunities to love hard and live well. There's time to play and create. There's room for silliness and laughter. There's space for faith and hope. There's nowhere to go but up. 

Lest you think I've gone completely mad with optimism, I'm sure 2019 will have its ugly bits I'd rather not have to sort out. I've been on this planet long enough now to know that all my lists and resolutions don't really stop the tide of life from crashing hard sometimes. But here I am on the shores of a new year and I'm inviting you to join me. Let's journey together pointing out beauty as we go, searching high and low for magical things, and celebrating the wonder in ordinary days. And in jealousy guarding our faith and hope and discoveries, we may just keep the dark from inching out our joy in another year. Here's to a new year! May we go nowhere but up carried high by hope on steady strings of faith. 

"Let the past take a bow, the forever is now. And there's nowhere to go but up, up!"

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